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Dubbing and Subtitling in a World Context, GILBERT C. F, 9789629963569, 香港文大 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,
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Dubbing and Subtitling in a World Context,作者:GILBERT C. F,出版社:香港文大,ISBN:9789629963569
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With globalization and the proliferation of new forms of entertainment such as DVD and pay-perview TV, the demand for dubbing and subtitling has been growing exponentially. This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the "International Conference on Dubbing and Subtitling in a World Context" organized by the Department of Translation of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In the book, scholars and professionals from Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Hong Kong outline the landscape of the profession from a world perspective. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to have a deep understanding of the history, theory and practice of dubbing and subtitling.